Sunday, 6 May 2012

I GOT ME A KINDLE!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I did!
A friend kindly loaned me hers when she found out I was looking into getting one.
You see, I had a girly night last Friday and we sat around drinking lots of wine and eating goodies and you know, you get talking about stuff and of course Mother's Day came up and I mentioned that I was getting myself one - or rather, son and hubby are! Leanne, my friend said she had one and she loves it and she'd bring it around for me to check out. I showed her the picture of the one I was interested in from Dick Smith's and she said hers was the same or similar.

So the following morning I had it in my hot little hands. I made quite a few mistakes with it - couldn't get the grasp of it and wanted to be rid of it. Leanne had said there was no keyboard at the bottom of it and she preferred it that way so she didn't keep knocking the keys with the palm of her hand.

Instead, with hers you have to touch the screen to turn pages etc and I found that extremely hard to do. It's not a screen that you can just tap, more a whack, and I was worried I'd hurt it and have to buy her a new one. She also said the instructions were inside the kindle screen as well, but after many attempts at whacking it, I still haven't found them. I also noticed that Leanne has left sticky markings in the top left hand corner (probably from whacking) and that of course has ruined the look of it and makes it tricky to read.

But I didn't let that deter me, I was on a mission to see if the Dick Smith one was of any difference - doesn't hurt to try before you buy.

Yesterday I took myself to Dick's store and there it was. Exactly the same as I'd imagined. Oooohhhhhhh how exciting! And a nice young salesman helped me out with it all just as I thought.

Ok, the one I purchased (which is the one I've been talking about) doesn't have a keyboard, but does have three buttons. One for turning the page, one for instructions and one for anything else that you need to do. So much more handier than having a keyboard OR having to whack the screen. And it's very comfortable to handle along with a slightly bigger screen than Leanne's. The nice young salesman showed me the hmmmmm, what's it called, (trying to remember now), oh it's the folder which you can put the kindle in so it's like your holding a book. So with that,  I also topped up the purchase with a screen protector, which Leanne didn't mention she had AND I can read it without having to have the big light on, nor the little torch thingy that can be used if you choose to do so. My bedside lamp will be plenty of lighting.

Only problem now is I can't open it until Mother's Day!


  1. I always wanted a kindle, but never got around to actually going and getting one. After seeing your post, I think I might as well get mine soon....

  2. Let me know how you go with it!


  3. I to am thinking of buying one, they just seem so handy :)
    - Alex

  4. Cool! I've been wanting to buy one for a long time :)

    ~marius @

  5. Update!
    Last night Amazon sent me an email with instructions on how to use the Kindle. Now even though I have an account with Amazon, I've yet to purchase anything on it. But I thought it was very nice of them to do so. I guess they must have been sent a receipt of when I purchased it and are wondering why I haven't used it to download anything yet. Sadly, I've another two days before I can unwrap it. P.S. I know it's been hidden somewhere in the house and now I'm off to do some snooping - is that bad of me?
